needs a special education support:
Children with autism/pervasive developmental disorder - Autism/PDD
is a disability that affects verbal and non-verbal communication, social
interaction, and leisure or play activities.
Children with developmental disabilities - Developmental
disabilities or intellectual handicaps result in significant delays in
children's rate of learning, the development of social interactions and
the acquisition of life skills.
Children with emotional and behaviour problems have difficulty
developing and keeping relationships with other children and with adults.
They also have trouble with social skills, personal adjustment, self care
and general classroom behaviour.
Gifted children have an unusually advanced degree of general
intellectual ability that requires differentiated learning experiences of
a depth and breadth beyond those normally provided in the regular school
program to satisfy the level of educational potential indicated.
Children with physical disabilities such as hearing and vision
impairment, significant medical conditions and head injuries.
Children with learning disabilities - A learning disability is a
disorder that involves one or more of the processes needed to use spoken
or written language. Learning disabilities may interfere with the learning
of academic and social skills.
Children with syndromes such as fetal alcohol, Williams, Fragile
X and Prader Willi.